Brown Brothers & Co Ltd - Rosebank Ironworks

\\'£ to record with regret the death, on the J:l.h
inst., at Edinburgh, of ~Ir. Andrew Betts-Brown, who!'e
n'\mc iH so closely associated with a number of impron•·
ments in modem marine engineering. Mr. Brown, '' ho
was in his 67th year, wa~; the clde>~t son of 1\fr. Robcrt
Brown, of Edinburgh. H e was educated in his natiYc
city, and scn ·ed hi11 apprenticeship as an engineer in the
locornoti,·e works of the North British Railway Company
at 8t. M argaret.'s. During hi · apprenticeship be attended
the C\·ening classes at the Watt College. H e subsequently
went to 1\Io.nche!lter, and Rtudied chemistry and
l<indrcd subjcctH, taking rarious degrees. \\'hen he was
in M an eh ester he prepared the illustrations of a large
volume in engineering, by Hobcrt Scott Burnett, wl1ich
he nRSif! ted in bringing out. He went to London ahont
1863, ttnd took an old brewery, which he convc..t·ted inttl
engineering worl<s. One of his early inYentions wnR 1u1
overhead tt·o.velling cr-ane, which was fitted up for the
construction of Hlacl<friars Bridge, and which did iLs
work to the great Ratisfaction of everyone connected with
the undertaking. H e then invented plant cou' • ~:. 1: ri
steam and hydraulic power for discharging ships, and
obtained nn important contract to fit H amburg Docks
with this plant. This was about the year 1870. Part of
this plant was constructed in London, but, realising that
conditions were more fM·our·able in Edinburgh, ground wn~
acquired at Rose bank adjoioi11g the North BriLisb Railway
Company's line to C:ranton, and the necessary plant was
erected to complete the H amburg contract. Since then the
worl<s at Rose bank have been extended nnd added to till they
are now one of the largest engineering works in the Enst
of Scotland. About 1877 ot· 1878 a start was made by
this firm with the fitting of hydraulic machinery for
cargo working and other pm·poses on board ship, the first
stcatncr to be fitted on any large scale being the Quetta,
built by William Denny nnd Brothers Dumbarton. Tn
the course of time stcnm was associated with hydraulic
power in the development of such machinery, and but
for the interposition of the more facile and quicker-acting
electric npplia nccs, also associated with steam, now to be
found on board ship, the development of the principle
initiated by Mr. Brown would have been greater than it
has been. L crwing the region of cargo and other de('k
machinery nctuated by hydraulic power, 1\Ir. Brown
subsequently devoted himself almost wholly to the introduction
and perfecting of the combine(! steam and
hydraulic starting and reversing gear applied to the
marine steam engine, with whic:h his name has been for
many years inseparably associated, not only with regard
to propulsive machinery of merchant ships, but of almo~;t
all large ships of the British and other navies. Subee·
quent to his achievement in this direction still greater
success was gained by him in connection with the
steering of large ships by steam and hydraulic power, nnd
especially the introduction of the" telemotor." This has
proved itself of incalculable benefit in the case of large
ocean liners and na,·al ships.
Mt·. Brown was a member of numerous engineering
institutions. Of these bodies, the one in which he wM,
perhaps, the best known was the Institution of K aval
Architects, before the members of which he rend, in
April, 1884, a paper on "The Application of H ydra11lic
l\Iacbinery to the Loading, Discharging, Steering, and
Worl<ing of Steamships." Before the same Society, in
Ma rch, 1890, he read another paper, bringing the account
of his inventions more up to da te, entitled " The Application
of a System of Combined Steam and H ydraulic
Machinet·y to the L oading, Discharging, and Steering of
Steamships." Mr. Brown was also a Fellow of the
Royal Society of Edinburgh, a member of the Institute
of Mechanical Engi n eer~;, of the Institution of i\farine


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